Friday, August 31, 2012

The Scientific Process For Science Fair Projects

--5Th Grade Math Book of The Scientific Process For Science Fair Projects--

I was reading this The Scientific Process For Science Fair Projects

The Scientific Process

The Scientific Process For Science Fair Projects

The process that you are about to embark upon is a one that may seem remarkable at first glance. However, the Scientific Process, when taken one step at a time is very manageable and will guide you through your scheme rather than slow you down. In this report I will recap many of these steps key elements.

In my research, I came across a list entitled 'Scientific Process' in a book entitled How to do a Science Fair scheme by Salvatore Tocci. While each scheme may not merge every single item in this list, it will likely consist of most of them. If nothing else this list will prevent you from missing a key element to your scheme just by asking 'is this something my scheme requires. Okay, so here is the list:
1. Making Observations
2. Forming Hypotheses
3. Conducting Experiments
4. Recording Data
5. Making Measurements
6. Modifying Hypotheses
7. Conducting Interviews
8. Making Models
9. Reviewing the Literature
10. Making Inferences
11. Drawing Conclusions
12. Verifying Results
13. Communicating Findings
14. Sharing Information

Almost all of these items are self-explanatory except 'Making Inferences.' Inferences are conclusions that are not based on direct evidences or observations but rather on indications or logical reasoning. For example, if you light a candle, your notice is 'that a colorless liquid collects near the wax.' The inference would be to say that the liquid is melted wax (because it is the logical explanation). One other note must be mentioned at this point, and that is that your scheme should be done using the metric system. Metric is the universal measurement principles adopted by the scientific process.

The very first thing that you must decide when starting a Science Fair scheme is what your hypothesis will be. A hypothesis is an educated guess or assumption. It will be a proposal for solving a specific problem. Note that it is not necessarily an actual clarification to the problem. That is what you will find out as you do the research. The hypothesis is an idea that may or may not sass a quiz, or solve a problem but that is likely to, agreeing to your introductory investigation. A hypothesis should be clear, concise and specific. Try to state your hypothesis in one sentence. It is also leading to note that your hypothesis should be testable with the resources and knowledge that you have or have access to.

The next and most leading step in creating a Science Fair scheme is the experimentation. Your experiments should be as simple as inherent and direct. The more complex the experiment the more likely errors will occur and conclusions will be hard to determine. Also, always be sure to consist of a 'control.' Set up your experiment with multiple items of the same object. Keep all things about each of these items the same except for one variable. This variable is the one you are testing (ie - variable A had good results/growth than variable B, etc). Again keep one of these identical items without changing any variables to use as your control.

The last two steps are to analyze results and draw conclusions. When analyzing results be sure to only use the facts obtained from your experiments. It is also very crucial that you allow the results to decide theories rather than having a principles and trying to find a way to get your results to sustain it. The final step is drawing conclusions. The primary windup you should make is if the data collected supported or rejected the hypothesis. It is very leading to note that if your data does not sustain your hypothesis, then your scheme is not failed. In fact, the thing that makes a scheme fail, is failing to furnish any conclusions. The point of the whole scheme is to decide either or not your educated guess (hypothesis) was true or not, not that your guess was right.

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