Thursday, July 5, 2012

Fifth Grade Science Fair Projects

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Fifth Grade Science Fair Projects

Fifth graders are slightly more mature in the primary level classes, but they still require a lot of guidance and assistance. They can understand better and they are not very restless. Fifth grade science fair projects should be such that it finishes in a fairly short span of time, preferably the week ends. Then, it will be interesting for this age group to learn by doing.

Fifth Grade Science Fair Projects

The fifth grade science fair projects should be such that most of it should be completed by the student itself. The students should know the skills like making measurement, observing, hypothesizing, collecting and analyzing the data, scientific drawing, graphing, problem solving, text and internet research, and note taking.

Of course, a little help can be taken from their parents. Evaluation of the fifth grade science fair project is a must and then only they will do the projects sincerely. Group projects can also be allotted to them, to improve their mingling with their age group and team spirit. While judging this project, care should be taken to award extra points for the students' effort.

Fifth grade science fair projects can be made to know if plants can grow better in a polluted environment so that the people can grow food in polluted environment to save room on the earth.

Take two pots. Keep one pot with garden soil, plant bean seeds, in clean environment, pour tap water and keep it in a clean place to give a clean environment. The other pot can be filled with soil with little bit of trash, then plant bean seeds, and pour polluted water with little oil, and give a polluted environment by spraying chemicals in the air. Observe, after few days, the polluted plant grows faster.

Chemical Volcano eruption can be made as a fifth grade science fair project. The children should know the ratio of baking soda to vinegar.

Do colored light affect the seed growth? Project can be made with three pots of few seeds in each and place different colored lights, that is, the white, red and blue. The conclusion is the white light was the best because it is the combination of all the lights in the light spectrum which helps plants to grow faster. The red was medium and the blue was the shortest.

Making a food pyramid with the correct colors for health is an excellent fifth grade science fair project for this age group. They learn to eat the balanced diet. Orange for grains, green for vegetables, red for fruits, and blue for milk and dairy products, purple for meat, fish etc and yellow for oil and fats. This kind of project gives the student an awareness of their own health and the things they put in their body, and at an age where they start overeating with potato chips and other junk foods, this can be a very good for the student in more ways than one.

Milk carton traffic lights can be made to show the traffic safety as well as the concept of 'Work out of Waste'. A song on traffic light will go well with it. It is twinkle, twinkle traffic light and add your imagination to it. Safety tips in traffic, safety tips in kitchen can also be shown effectively.

Some of the projects may need a research from the Internet. However, it should be kept in mind that not all internet sources are created equally. If you choose a project that is freely available to everyone, you must remember that there are hundreds of people doing every one of those same projects, and duplicity should be avoided whenever possible. However, because of their middle-school age, there are a lot of excellent options for projects in paid membership sites or in books available on Amazon. Find a good, trustworthy review site, and consider taking their advice on which projects to do for your student's science fair project.

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